
Sustainability approaches

Information on the sustainability approaches.

ZKB Discretionary Mandate und ZKB Portfolio Consulting Classic, Premium, Expert

Below you will find information on the sustainability approaches that are applied in your ZKB Discretionary Mandate or ZKB Portfolio Mandate Classic, Premium and Expert, depending on the respective characteristics:

Climate: CO2e reduction (PDF, 180 KB)

ESG integration (PDF, 217 KB)

Stewardship: Voting & Engagement (PDF, 240 KB)

Avoidance of controversies (PDF, 192 KB)

SDG-aligned investing (PDF, 360 KB)

ZKB Fund Portfolio

Below you will find information on the sustainability approaches that are applied in the Swisscanto Portfolio Funds Responsible and Sustainable, depending on the respective product line: 

Sustainability is our conviction (PDF)


Last updated: February 2025

The information published and continuously updated on this website always applies. Zürcher Kantonalbank reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided at any time and without prior notice.