Attractive target return
Compared to traditional investment funds, investments in private equity funds offer attractive investment opportunities with typically lower volatility.
With the Global Decarbonization Fund, qualified and institutional investors participate in the megatrend of decarbonisation. Investments are made in fast-growing, not yet listed companies that provide solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Innovative and dynamic private companies play a central role in the development of climate-neutral technologies. Our task is to identify the most promising decarbonisation solutions and diversify potential risks for investors via our Global Decarbonization Fund.
A systematic and disciplined investment process is the basis for high value creation. We therefore adhere to our proven governance structures for illiquid investments. These include:
The Global Decarbonization Fund invests in companies that make a contribution to decarbonisation and are economically successful at the same time. The investment objective is a very attractive return with manageable risk in a key topic of today's society with sustained social and political tailwinds. The necessary investments in climate protection totalling at least USD 2,500 billion per year by 2050 will be a strong and sustainable growth driver.
Our private equity funds are subject to supervision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and are aimed exclusively at professional and institutional investors (qualified investors according to CISA) with a long-term investment horizon.