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  4. 26.11.2021

Swisscanto real estate funds: New valuation experts as of 1.1.2022

Press release from November 26, 2021

Swisscanto Fondsleitung AG appoints Wüest Partner AG and CBRE (Zurich) AG as the new valuation experts for the real estate funds.

Swisscanto Fondsleitung AG appoints Wüest Partner AG as the new valuation experts for the Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible IFCA and CBRE (Zürich) AG for the Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Swiss Commercial as of fiscal year 2022.

The new valuation experts responsible for the respective real estate funds have many years of experience in property valuation and are accredited by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.

About Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible IFCA

Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible IFCA invests primarily in residential real estate in Switzerland. Properties for conven-tional residential use account for more than 90% of the fund’s income. The fund’s portfolio is very well-diversified geographically and predominantly consists of liquid properties in the middle rent-price segment. The fund has been built up over the last 59 years over several different cycles. Many of the properties have been in the fund’s ownership for decades and are continually maintained and refurbished in line with tenants’ needs. The fund’s positioning and broad diversification ensure a high degree of stability with regard to portfolio quality and fund payouts.

About Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Swiss Commercial

Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Swiss Commercial was launched in 2010 and invests in commercial and mixed-use properties in all market regions across Switzerland. The fund is positioned in the core/coreplus segment. The provisions specified as part of the fund’s sustainability policy also apply. The investment strategy is to achieve stable current income on a sustainable basis. Properties are directly owned by the fund and are taxed by the fund, which means that distributions are therefore tax-free for inves-tors. The fund pursues a responsible growth strategy in order to increase diversification and strengthen the earnings base and the liquidity of the units.