Quick and easy
Enter your orders for buying or selling cryptocurrencies directly and easily via eBanking or in your Mobile Banking app – any day of the week, anytime.
You can also trade cryptocurrencies with us as well as traditional securities. We make it possible for you to buy and sell Bitcoin and Ethereum and also manage your access credentials. Place your orders for cryptocurrencies 24/7 via your eBanking or your ZKB Mobile Banking app, quickly and easily.
You can trade the following cryptocurrencies with us:
Trading cryptocurrencies with us is as simple and convenient as ever, using eBanking or the ZKB Mobile Banking app – available 24/7. Your cryptocurrencies are recorded in your securities custody account, giving you a clear and comprehensive overview of your investments at all times.
With us, you can rely on a trusted partner. You do not need to open your own wallet, as we manage your cryptocurrency holdings on your behalf. This ensures you are protected against the risk of losing your access credentials.
Cryptocurrencies can be purchased only in US dollars (USD). If a transaction is placed in CHF or another currency, it will be converted into USD. It is currently not possible to transfer cryptocurrencies to the bank or have them delivered by the bank. Cryptocurrencies also cannot be used for payment purposes. Additional services such as staking are not available at this time.
The service is limited to execution-only transactions, with no advisory services provided by ZKB. Cryptocurrencies cannot be purchased as part of an ZKB investment advisory or asset management mandate. For orders placed outside of eBanking or the ZKB Mobile Banking app, please note ZKB’s general trading hours. Restrictions apply, particularly during system outages and release weekends.
Please refer to further information (PDF, 108 KB) on trading in cryptocurrencies.
Please see our price overview for investment transactions (PDF, 172 KB).